What is the Georgia Players Guild?

The Georgia Players Guild is a tribute show booking agency!

What makes the Georgia Players Guild different from any other agency?

We stand out from the rest because each show is 100% owned by the agency, which allows us to carefully artistic direct, book, manage and tour these shows with a higher level of quality control and guaranteed excellence than our counterparts.

How far are you willing to travel?

We will go anywhere! We'll even facilitate the conversation with your closest presenter friends to help build favorable routes for the group and favorable prices for you, too!

How difficult is your tech ryder?

We're proud to say that our needs from your facility or concert space are some of the simplest in the business. We fly or drive with our In Ear Monitor rack and our own FOH Engineer which makes sound check a breeze! All on stage instruments are direct (no guitar/bass amps) using modern amp modeling systems. This means less bulky floor monitors on stage that create great sight lines for all of your patrons!

How do I learn more? Jacob Deaton - Agent
Drop us a line anytime! 404.274.7613 | jacob@georgiaplayersguild.com